Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hockey: Week #2

In today's installment, Jeremy received a hockey jersey, courtesy of the hockey rink. The name of the rink is the Leafs Ice Center, so his jersey had a Maple Leaf on the front, just like the NHL Toronto team. Jeremy took one look at it and said:

I don't like the Leafs. I want a Blackhawk jersey.

We had a good laugh, and then tried to explain to him that it wasn't a real Leafs jersey--that it was part of the hockey rink. I think he understood, but now he keeps telling people that it's not a real Leafs shirt.

He did a great job today--turning around unassisted on the ice. He used the walkers for a bit, but toward the end he went one width of the ice without it! We were so proud of him!! We're hoping that by next week he won't need a walker at all. Way to go J-Man!

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