Sunday, November 13, 2011


Phil and I just got back from our 10-year anniversary trip to St. Maarten. Wow. It was a fantastic trip, and I hope to post pictures and write about it soon. But tonight Phil posted this on Facebook, and I thought it was important enough to share. It's moments like this that make me speechless. (But on a less-serious note, Riley told us that on Friday it was veterinarian's day.)

I know it is a couple of days late, but my son learned today at church that it was Veteran's Day and they gave him a flag and asked to put it by a tombstone of a veteran who served our country. This is something he really wanted to do, a boy of 5 years old... My wife took him to a cemetery and placed the American flag on a soldier named Carlton who served in the 2nd world war. It is moments like this that make you stop and think about the men and women overseas that are protecting us and are so far away from home and their families. Thank you Carlton for you service to this country. I am honored to know you even if it is only by your name.

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