I'm so not ready for this cold weather. I believe we had our first frost of the season last night. I hate this time of year--no more going outside to play, shorter days, and just being cold. I loathe you cold weather. Bring on spring already.
The kids and I spent some time at Papa and Nana's over the weekend. Phil went up to Green Bay for a wedding, and since this was our 4th wedding in 10 weeks, I decided to stay home. My parents had just watched the kids two weeks ago and I didn't want to leave them there again. Not that Mom and Dad couldn't handle it--I just didn't want to spent 4 hours in a car to go to Phil's cousin's wedding. There, I said it.
Anyway, the kids, as usual, had a blast with minimal sleep. Neither one rested on the way there--they were too excited as to when they'd see their first airplane in the sky. Seriously, you'd think we lived on another planet, let alone 40 minutes from the nearest airport. The kids started playing the minute we got there. Jeremy ended up falling asleep on my lap about 4:30. I ask you, is there no greater feeling in the world than to have a child asleep against your chest? Dad took Riley outside for a bit to ride her bike while I enjoyed my boy asleep on me.
Once Nana came home from work, we loaded up everyone and went to Perry's for pizza. Yum! Both kids did great for dinner--Riley had 3 pieces of pizza, and Jeremy couldn't get enough of the corn from the pizza buffet. He even enjoyed eating some "trees" (broccoli). Cute.
Sleep was not so great. Both kids camped out on the floor, and Jeremy joined me in the bed sometime during the night. He was coughing and rolling into Riley, so I pulled him up there. After a few hours of getting poked, rolled over and kicked, I put him back on the floor. When I awoke in the morning, I found Riley at the opposite side of the mattress. Crazy.
We loaded up the kids and headed to the Farmer's Market uptown. I brought the wagon for the travels, and it was ridiculously cold. I brought hats and mittens, but still. Again, cold, I hate you. It was trick-or-treat time for the kids at the market, and the kids got some candy and were able to paint pumpkins. That was a little difficult to bring back since I pulled the wagon, but my mom was a trooper and carried the pumpkins (and got a little paint on her!).
We had some lunch, and then the kids helped rake some leaves, which they had been DYING to do. My dad found some dry leaves (it rained and stormed the night before), and the kids had a blast. We headed home around 2, only to get close to the airport, and this is what Riley declares:
R: OK, Jeremy, I'm going to take a nap. So if you see an airplane, don't yell AIRPLANE. Just say airplane quiet.
J: OK, Ri-eee.
Riley was asleep within 2 minutes, and Jeremy lasted another 10. Only due to him eating some snack in the car.
The rest of the weekend was spent trying to fill the time between us being home and Phil returning. Both kids went to bed without much fuss, and the next morning the three of us went to church. Jeremy was a mess, not wanting me to leave him alone. When I went to get him after the service, he said, "I really missed you, Mommy." Yeah, that's what I get for no daycare! A guilt-trip. Riley, of course, was giddy to go back to church and sing songs.
Phil returned after lunchtime, and the kids were beyond excited. I still need to take the pictures off the camera, so I'll try to post those in between life in general. Sorry this post lacked photos, but Phil had the one and only camera.
Life with me and my two monkeys, Riley and Jeremy. The days may be long, but the years are far too short.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
End of Soccer
Due to rain during one of Riley's previous soccer games, the schedule was extended one week. Her last week of soccer should've been last week, but instead we found ourselves attending soccer during a very cold and windy Tuesday evening.
As a surprise, my parents came out to see Riley in her glory. It was wonderful to have both Grandma and Papa/Nana to cheer Riley on at different games.
Riley had been so excited for her last game (not sure if it was due to it being the last game or just playing soccer in general), so she could hardly wait to go. We got her all bundled up and headed to the field in two cars.
The wind was bitterly cold, and I regretted not bringing gloves for the kids. Jeremy was happy as could be kicking "his" soccer ball to Nana while Riley practiced with her team. The coach approached the parents a few minutes after practice started and said another parent thought it would be a good idea to have a short practice and then go right into the game. Normally they practice for 30 minutes and then have a 30-minute game. We all said we agreed.
About 15 minutes after practice started, they began the game. Riley lined up to play defense, but before we knew it, she scored a goal! We were so excited, especially since Nana and Papa were there to witness it.
The teams lined up again, and after about 10 minutes of play, Riley stole the ball from a teammate and scored again! (We need to work on the passing and sharing, but my guess is that will come with age. I'm hoping.)
The teams took a quick break for a drink, and the parents patiently waited to see how much longer we'd have to be outside. Not that we don't love our kids, but it was freezing! Add to that the sun sets earlier, and you have some cold spectators.
Apparently (I was told later) Coach Joe told the kids that they'd be able to get warm after the next goal. I kid you not, Riley got the ball right away, dribbled down the field and scored! Not even a minute after the coach said that! Phil then took off his hat and threw it on the field. Papa joked that Riley gets the game ball--it was actually her ball they used to play the game.
So how about that. What a way to end the season. Both of Riley's coaches said she played great this year, and Coach Joe said he'd love to have her on his team next year. She wrote them both thank-you notes (I wasn't sure what the protocol was), and handed them to her coaches at the end of the game. I asked her in the car if she wants to play soccer next year, and her reply? "I want to play baseball." At least it's not cheerleading!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
With our only free weekend in October, we took the kids to the local pumpkin patch on Saturday. We went last year, and I remember it being ridiculously cold; so cold that Riley had on her winter hat! This year the weather was much better, and we arrived shortly after it opened to beat the crowd. The kids were entranced, from the farm's dog walking the grounds to the mounds of pumpkins to the giant bouncy pumpkin contraption. Me, I was captivated by the smells of fresh-baked apple cider donuts, which I (reluctantly) shared with the kids. But the hot apple cider? That was all mine!
We bought tickets to enter the large play area, and both Riley and Jeremy didn't know where to start. We took their picture in the train cut-out, and then we found the pen full of rabbits. It's amazing how pet rabbits look so much cuter than the ones who infest my garden and eat my prized flowers.
From there the kids entered a straw maze, and then we wound up near a large straw pile. Let me tell you, if I was a kid, I would be in heaven. Both children were hesitant, until we picked them up and threw them into the pile. Then Phil took Jeremy up there, shortly thereafter Riley let go of her fears and went up the hill. Both kids (and Dad) were proud of their accomplishment.
We walked around further and found miniature tractors for the kids to ride. Jeremy was in heaven! Within the last two weeks he's learned how to pedal a trike. It amazes me daily how much he changes, and him hoping on the tractor was no exception. While the kids were entertained, I checked out the livestock: pigs, sheep, goats, a dairy calf, donkeys, and even a llama. The kids soon joined me, and then we decided to check out the corn maze.
Both kids did remarkably well, as the corn maze covered four acres of land. It was shaped like a giant dragon, which we saw an areal photo near the checkout. There were 10 checkpoints through the maze, which Riley helped us find. You received a prize if you found all checkpoints (and I'm assuming answered them correctly), but after traipsing through the maze for 25 minutes, both kids became restless. So we left without answering a few (and we wouldn't have received a prize if we needed correct answers, as some of the questions dealt with Harry Potter and the Dragontales, neither of which we're familiar with).
We paid for our half-dozen apple cider donuts (still delicious the next day) and our pumpkin and headed home. Of course that was preceded by both kids having a meltdown because we were going home since Riley wouldn't cooperate for pictures and Jeremy wanted to go on a bouncy slide contraption. Some parents smiled at me, and all I could say was: Good times. Yeah, it was.
We bought tickets to enter the large play area, and both Riley and Jeremy didn't know where to start. We took their picture in the train cut-out, and then we found the pen full of rabbits. It's amazing how pet rabbits look so much cuter than the ones who infest my garden and eat my prized flowers.
From there the kids entered a straw maze, and then we wound up near a large straw pile. Let me tell you, if I was a kid, I would be in heaven. Both children were hesitant, until we picked them up and threw them into the pile. Then Phil took Jeremy up there, shortly thereafter Riley let go of her fears and went up the hill. Both kids (and Dad) were proud of their accomplishment.
Both kids did remarkably well, as the corn maze covered four acres of land. It was shaped like a giant dragon, which we saw an areal photo near the checkout. There were 10 checkpoints through the maze, which Riley helped us find. You received a prize if you found all checkpoints (and I'm assuming answered them correctly), but after traipsing through the maze for 25 minutes, both kids became restless. So we left without answering a few (and we wouldn't have received a prize if we needed correct answers, as some of the questions dealt with Harry Potter and the Dragontales, neither of which we're familiar with).
We paid for our half-dozen apple cider donuts (still delicious the next day) and our pumpkin and headed home. Of course that was preceded by both kids having a meltdown because we were going home since Riley wouldn't cooperate for pictures and Jeremy wanted to go on a bouncy slide contraption. Some parents smiled at me, and all I could say was: Good times. Yeah, it was.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Dance Party
So the kids have a new favorite song. And they insist on dancing wherever they are whenever they hear the song--on the bed, in the car, and this time in the kitchen. It's pretty cute.
And it was football day at Riley's preschool this day. She was the ONLY kid out of 20+ who didn't have any Bears attire. The teachers said they'd still give her snack even if she wore Packer gear. Riley did receive a standing ovation from an administrator in the building who is a die-hard Packer fan. Dad was sure proud.
So for your enjoyment: everyone take a moment this Friday, and shake it.
And it was football day at Riley's preschool this day. She was the ONLY kid out of 20+ who didn't have any Bears attire. The teachers said they'd still give her snack even if she wore Packer gear. Riley did receive a standing ovation from an administrator in the building who is a die-hard Packer fan. Dad was sure proud.
So for your enjoyment: everyone take a moment this Friday, and shake it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Weekend Recap
Nevermind that it's Tuesday, and I'm just now updating. Ah, good times.
Friday Phil took the day off, and Riley didn't have school, so while I was busy packing for my weekend away from the kids, Phil took the kids over to the library. In celebration of some sort of fire prevention week, the fire department sent an ambulance and fire truck there. The kids were beyond excited; Jeremy moreso than Riley.
They returned, outfitted with their new fire hats and bubbling with enthusiasm. It was rather cute.
I left shortly after lunchtime for Milwaukee--my first of two nights away from the kids. I was a little apprehensive traveling by myself, something I hadn't done since college and I had to travel for my part-time job. Back then, I was carefree and didn't have concerns about being in an unfamiliar town by myself. I think I've been spending too much time as a mom, not getting out much.
I met up with my girlfriend who was getting married and the rest of our party that evening. We were having a mini bachelorette party for the bride-to-be, and we had a great time. Of course I didn't take any pictures.
Saturday I woke up early, especially for not having kids or a husband to disturb my slumber! I was actually up at 7:30. I meandered downstairs for the continental breakfast, and then what did I do? I spent the next 5 hours before Phil arrived via Amtrak freelancing. Seriously. How sad is that?
Phil arrived around 3, and we went to the reception at 6. The wedding was family-only at the bride's parent's house, and the reception was fantastic. I failed to remember my camera for the reception as well. Trust me, it was a great time, even capped off with my downing a shot of whiskey with the groom! And the groom even thanked us for coming. I actually thanked THEM for inviting us and giving us a chance to get away.
We returned to the kids before lunch on Sunday--of course we woke up by 8 on Sunday. Yeah, we're living on the edge. The first time away from both kids, well, ever, and we didn't even fully sleep in! But I missed the kids, and we missed our own bed, and I'm sure my parents missed us, as they were the ones who watched the kids. My dad commented that the kids move from one activity to the next so quickly. I reminded him that he DID raise two kids not so long ago. But he did comment that Jeremy is one of the most polite kids. That made me proud. We joined my parents for lunch, and then headed home.
Overall, it was great to get away. But it was even better to be back in my own bed Sunday night.
Friday Phil took the day off, and Riley didn't have school, so while I was busy packing for my weekend away from the kids, Phil took the kids over to the library. In celebration of some sort of fire prevention week, the fire department sent an ambulance and fire truck there. The kids were beyond excited; Jeremy moreso than Riley.
They returned, outfitted with their new fire hats and bubbling with enthusiasm. It was rather cute.
I left shortly after lunchtime for Milwaukee--my first of two nights away from the kids. I was a little apprehensive traveling by myself, something I hadn't done since college and I had to travel for my part-time job. Back then, I was carefree and didn't have concerns about being in an unfamiliar town by myself. I think I've been spending too much time as a mom, not getting out much.
I met up with my girlfriend who was getting married and the rest of our party that evening. We were having a mini bachelorette party for the bride-to-be, and we had a great time. Of course I didn't take any pictures.
Saturday I woke up early, especially for not having kids or a husband to disturb my slumber! I was actually up at 7:30. I meandered downstairs for the continental breakfast, and then what did I do? I spent the next 5 hours before Phil arrived via Amtrak freelancing. Seriously. How sad is that?
Phil arrived around 3, and we went to the reception at 6. The wedding was family-only at the bride's parent's house, and the reception was fantastic. I failed to remember my camera for the reception as well. Trust me, it was a great time, even capped off with my downing a shot of whiskey with the groom! And the groom even thanked us for coming. I actually thanked THEM for inviting us and giving us a chance to get away.
We returned to the kids before lunch on Sunday--of course we woke up by 8 on Sunday. Yeah, we're living on the edge. The first time away from both kids, well, ever, and we didn't even fully sleep in! But I missed the kids, and we missed our own bed, and I'm sure my parents missed us, as they were the ones who watched the kids. My dad commented that the kids move from one activity to the next so quickly. I reminded him that he DID raise two kids not so long ago. But he did comment that Jeremy is one of the most polite kids. That made me proud. We joined my parents for lunch, and then headed home.
Overall, it was great to get away. But it was even better to be back in my own bed Sunday night.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy Birthday, Dad!
Phil celebrated his birthday on Tuesday, and since it was a Tuesday, it meant he was able to work from home. The kids started off the day nicely with sleeping in until 7:30! Nevermind that Jeremy was up at 2:30 and 3:30, and Riley wanted to get up at 6:15....
Riley had her day at preschool in which Phil took her to school. She loves when he's able to do that. The big guy and I headed to the mall to pick up a gift for a wedding this weekend. I actually ran into someone I went to high school with--I didn't even recognize her. Completely small world.
After lunch, we opened up cards and presents. The kids were so excited to help open his presents, and I'm very proud of them for not spilling the beans.
We were surprised with a birthday phone call from across the seas! Uncle D was testing out his Skype phone, and it seems to work just fine. It was wonderful to hear his voice, and the kids were beyond excited to talk to Uncle D again.
We didn't do much for the rest of the day, as we're still working to pay off the Boston trip and then we have a wedding to attend this weekend in Milwaukee--it's the third of four weddings in 10 weeks! At least I didn't have to cook, as opted for Culvers and its $1 burgers. The kids did great eating out (we rarely do it), and then we came home for dessert of Rice Krispie treats.
Happy birthday, Dad!
Riley had her day at preschool in which Phil took her to school. She loves when he's able to do that. The big guy and I headed to the mall to pick up a gift for a wedding this weekend. I actually ran into someone I went to high school with--I didn't even recognize her. Completely small world.
After lunch, we opened up cards and presents. The kids were so excited to help open his presents, and I'm very proud of them for not spilling the beans.
We were surprised with a birthday phone call from across the seas! Uncle D was testing out his Skype phone, and it seems to work just fine. It was wonderful to hear his voice, and the kids were beyond excited to talk to Uncle D again.
We didn't do much for the rest of the day, as we're still working to pay off the Boston trip and then we have a wedding to attend this weekend in Milwaukee--it's the third of four weddings in 10 weeks! At least I didn't have to cook, as opted for Culvers and its $1 burgers. The kids did great eating out (we rarely do it), and then we came home for dessert of Rice Krispie treats.
Happy birthday, Dad!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Horsing Around
Yesterday we attended a birthday party for a daughter of dear friends of ours. She turned four, and her family had the kids' party at an equestrian stable. Their daughter has a syndrome called Joubert Syndrome, and to help her gain balance, she's been riding horses now for 1.5 years.
My kids, especially Riley, were beyond excited to ride a horse. In fact, it's all they had been talking about for the last week or so. "How many more sleeps until Bella's birthday party?"
Riley was one of the first kids to mount the horse. They had horses and ponies for all the kids; there were 4 children riding at a time. Each child was supposed to have 10-15 minutes on the horse, but I think Jeremy was gypped a bit; his was more like 5 minutes. Poor kid.
But Jeremy did get on the horse, and since parents weren't allowed near the horses, I watched from afar as my little guy grew a bit more independent right before my eyes. I don't think I'm helping him not be a Mama's boy so much.
Overall we had a nice time. There were plenty of kids there, some more well behaved than others, of course. It was our first experience with a true kids' party where both of our kids were invited. No offense to our friends, but it made us realize that one more regular family party for Riley is the way to go for her birthday this year. It might be the last year we can get away with it! Which reminds me, I better start thinking about Riley's party. It will be here before I know it.
My kids, especially Riley, were beyond excited to ride a horse. In fact, it's all they had been talking about for the last week or so. "How many more sleeps until Bella's birthday party?"
Riley was one of the first kids to mount the horse. They had horses and ponies for all the kids; there were 4 children riding at a time. Each child was supposed to have 10-15 minutes on the horse, but I think Jeremy was gypped a bit; his was more like 5 minutes. Poor kid.
But Jeremy did get on the horse, and since parents weren't allowed near the horses, I watched from afar as my little guy grew a bit more independent right before my eyes. I don't think I'm helping him not be a Mama's boy so much.
Overall we had a nice time. There were plenty of kids there, some more well behaved than others, of course. It was our first experience with a true kids' party where both of our kids were invited. No offense to our friends, but it made us realize that one more regular family party for Riley is the way to go for her birthday this year. It might be the last year we can get away with it! Which reminds me, I better start thinking about Riley's party. It will be here before I know it.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Visit from Grandma
I'm horrible at uploading pictures off my camera. I've been known to take weeks to remove them from the camera, only to then remember that these pictures were taken quite a while ago. It's almost like Christmas, when in amazement at what the kids did or where we were on certain days.
Since I had a bunch of free prints to redeem at Shutterfly, I finally removed a bunch of pictures from the camera. That's when I realized that I hadn't posted about Grandma coming to watch Riley play soccer.
Early last week Grandma headed out here to see Riley in action for soccer. It was a wonderful visit, and I know Riley enjoyed having an extra fan in the stands.
Riley as goalie. On a side note, I hate how dark
it's getting early in the evening. This was at 6:15!
Jeremy was just starting to feel better, so he wasn't his fully active self. I relished the chance to have him sit on my lap, snuggling a little tighter. He's such an easy person to photograph; I'm finding that many of my favorite pictures lately are of him. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that he's a complete mama's boy....
Since I had a bunch of free prints to redeem at Shutterfly, I finally removed a bunch of pictures from the camera. That's when I realized that I hadn't posted about Grandma coming to watch Riley play soccer.
Early last week Grandma headed out here to see Riley in action for soccer. It was a wonderful visit, and I know Riley enjoyed having an extra fan in the stands.

it's getting early in the evening. This was at 6:15!
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