I'm so not ready for this cold weather. I believe we had our first frost of the season last night. I hate this time of year--no more going outside to play, shorter days, and just being cold. I loathe you cold weather. Bring on spring already.
The kids and I spent some time at Papa and Nana's over the weekend. Phil went up to Green Bay for a wedding, and since this was our 4th wedding in 10 weeks, I decided to stay home. My parents had just watched the kids two weeks ago and I didn't want to leave them there again. Not that Mom and Dad couldn't handle it--I just didn't want to spent 4 hours in a car to go to Phil's cousin's wedding. There, I said it.
Anyway, the kids, as usual, had a blast with minimal sleep. Neither one rested on the way there--they were too excited as to when they'd see their first airplane in the sky. Seriously, you'd think we lived on another planet, let alone 40 minutes from the nearest airport. The kids started playing the minute we got there. Jeremy ended up falling asleep on my lap about 4:30. I ask you, is there no greater feeling in the world than to have a child asleep against your chest? Dad took Riley outside for a bit to ride her bike while I enjoyed my boy asleep on me.
Once Nana came home from work, we loaded up everyone and went to Perry's for pizza. Yum! Both kids did great for dinner--Riley had 3 pieces of pizza, and Jeremy couldn't get enough of the corn from the pizza buffet. He even enjoyed eating some "trees" (broccoli). Cute.
Sleep was not so great. Both kids camped out on the floor, and Jeremy joined me in the bed sometime during the night. He was coughing and rolling into Riley, so I pulled him up there. After a few hours of getting poked, rolled over and kicked, I put him back on the floor. When I awoke in the morning, I found Riley at the opposite side of the mattress. Crazy.
We loaded up the kids and headed to the Farmer's Market uptown. I brought the wagon for the travels, and it was ridiculously cold. I brought hats and mittens, but still. Again, cold, I hate you. It was trick-or-treat time for the kids at the market, and the kids got some candy and were able to paint pumpkins. That was a little difficult to bring back since I pulled the wagon, but my mom was a trooper and carried the pumpkins (and got a little paint on her!).
We had some lunch, and then the kids helped rake some leaves, which they had been DYING to do. My dad found some dry leaves (it rained and stormed the night before), and the kids had a blast. We headed home around 2, only to get close to the airport, and this is what Riley declares:
R: OK, Jeremy, I'm going to take a nap. So if you see an airplane, don't yell AIRPLANE. Just say airplane quiet.
J: OK, Ri-eee.
Riley was asleep within 2 minutes, and Jeremy lasted another 10. Only due to him eating some snack in the car.
The rest of the weekend was spent trying to fill the time between us being home and Phil returning. Both kids went to bed without much fuss, and the next morning the three of us went to church. Jeremy was a mess, not wanting me to leave him alone. When I went to get him after the service, he said, "I really missed you, Mommy." Yeah, that's what I get for no daycare! A guilt-trip. Riley, of course, was giddy to go back to church and sing songs.
Phil returned after lunchtime, and the kids were beyond excited. I still need to take the pictures off the camera, so I'll try to post those in between life in general. Sorry this post lacked photos, but Phil had the one and only camera.
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