Jeremy and I were enjoying some Mommy/son time while Phil took Riley out to buy a new cordless phone (ours apparently can receive phone calls and we can hear people talking, but alas, they cannot hear us back. That could be a problem.). We were going over animal sounds since lately all he wants to do is pretend certain animals are either in the house, at the store, in the car, you name it.
Then we started talking about favorite animals. Riley started this tradition years ago when she was learning her animals. She used to ask people what their favorite animals were, and she'd put that in her memory bank. Jeremy is the same way. So here's the conversation:
Mom: What's your favorite animal?
Jeremy: Eee-eee (monkey).
M: What's Riley's?
J: Fah-mingo.
M: Mommy's?
J: Dolphin.
M: Daddy's?
J: Bear.
M: What does Uncle D like?
J: Giraffe.
M: What about Casey?
J: Zebra.
M: What does Papa like?
J: Hockey.
Yeah, that's my boy. And these are my kids, in their matching hockey jammies no less:

Mommy's friend likes zebras! :)
He did mention that one after I asked him about Casey. So don't think you're not loved. :) (I just figured my story was getting a little winded!)
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