Monday, July 6, 2009


When Phil was offered a job in the city some three-plus years ago, he swooned about how romantic it is to work downtown. To take the train in from the far suburbs only to be swallowed by the impressive city was something he always hoped to be a part of. Last month (eek, am I that behind?!) I loaded up the kids for their first ride on the Metra and their first experience downtown.

Getting ready to board the train.

Jeremy was a little hesitant boarding the train, but once we sat down, he was enamored. I made sure we sat on a car that had a bathroom--with an hour + train ride, I figured better safe than sorry. We were on the first car, so Jeremy was giddy to hear the train whistle every so often. And then both kids enjoyed watching all the fruit flies, which is weird, but who am I to judge?

We made it downtown, then had to use the bathroom, which is always fun with two kids. (For the record, Riley also used the bathroom on the train). People were gracious and helpful seeing me manage with both kids, and then we were on our way. Riley was a great helper pushing Jeremy in the umbrella stroller. We found Dad out front of his building and then went up to his office to meet people and have lunch.

Afterward we started our trek to Millennium Park, which Phil claimed was about half a mile. Close to one mile later, we found the park.

Kids playing in the water.

Riley running around.

The kids thoroughly enjoyed playing in the fountain, although they didn't care for the stream of water that shoots out of the mouth on the wall. We then walked over to the Bean and took some pictures.

Pictures at the Bean.

More at the Bean.

We decided to be adventurous and head over to Buckingham Fountain, which was the sight some nine years earlier of a proposal.

Dad and Riley on the way to Buckingham Fountain.

Both kids enjoyed seeing the water coming out of the fountain. But we were all getting tired of walking, so we decided to call it a day and head back to the train. We were quite the sight--Riley was in the umbrella stroller holding Phil's work bag while he was pushing her and Jeremy was on my shoulders.

Buckingham Fountain.

Another shot.

Kids at the Fountain.

Getting engaged in 2000.

The kids were able to watch movies on Phil's laptop, while he and I actually enjoyed a pleasant conversation uninterrupted. All in all, it was a perfect day.

The end to a wonderful day.