Our little girl starts kindergarten in just a few days, and I'm having a difficult time dealing with it. I long joked that I would have a harder time letting go of Jeremy, seeing him off to preschool in just a few weeks. I always thought that having Riley head off to school wouldn't bother me nearly as much because she had a 2.5-year stint at daycare and then two years of preschool. She's always been the more independent child; the child I could entrust to entertain herself when I needed her to.
As the days of summer wane, I find myself wistful. I don't worry a bit as to how well she will do in school. I have no doubt that she needs to go to school for the stimulation, to be challenged. But at home, she is my companion throughout the day. I may go the entire day until Phil comes home without speaking to another person except for the kids. Don't get me wrong: I will still have Jeremy. And everyone knows how tightly I hold him to me!
Riley is my shopping buddy, helping me find the good deals. She's the one who helps Jeremy get his sandals on. She's the one who sits and colors with him at the table (despite the times I hear her telling him to stop coloring on her paper). She's the one who sits with him at lunch, giggling away. At this moment in time, they are best friends, entertaining each other and spending a majority of the day playing. Jeremy has already told me how much he's going to miss her when she's at school. Me, too, buddy.
There's something about watching your children grow up and thinking about sending your first born head off to school for the first time. To have her away from me for the entire day. To watch her board the bus and return several hours later. This is a big step; one that I didn't think would affect me the way it is. And this is just the beginning of a multitude of changes. I certainly don't want my kids to stay little forever. Just until I'm ready to let go.
I just put my baby girl on the bus and I was the one who teared up..not her. Go figure. But yes, all those years I told everyone else "just put them on the bus, they'll be fine"...now I know better!
Thanks for making me all teary eyed!! Cora doesn't start till the 26th. I am still in denial... Good luck. Riley is lucky to have a mom who did fun, bonding things with her the years before kindergarten. It's those who don't that should feel bad. At least that's what I am telling myself. So be proud. She is ready and WILL do awesome!!!
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