Thursday, December 24, 2009


This year, we combined Thanksgiving with Christmas for my extended side of the family. We did this because my aunt, uncle and two cousins were heading to Vietnam for Christmas. The four of us actually had our own quiet Thanksgiving at our house on Thanksgiving day, and then Friday morning, Phil did some crazy Black Friday shopping while the kids and I slept in. After breakfast, we loaded up the minivan and headed off to Great-Grandpa's.

Riley ready to get out of the car.

Jeremy cheesing it up.

All in all, we had a wonderful time. Riley enjoyed showing off her new book from Uncle D and Casey (side note: I had NO idea who the main character, Straga Nona was, yet when Riley opened the box, she immediately yelled Straga Nona!!). And of course the kids had a blast playing with their second cousins.

Showing off her book.

The pop-up portions are very cool.

I think Great-Grandpa is impressed.

I'm constantly telling Jeremy to leave the book alone at home.

It is a pretty sweet book, though.

Riley is in love with Baby Sam.

Phil and little Sam.

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