Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Year in Review

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before? I came to peace about only having two kids. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is. I'm trying to look at it as a good thing, but it's still hard sometimes. On a lighter note, I took the kids to the zoo by myself, which is something I didn't think I could handle.
2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't keep them, but I want to do a better job of staying in shape. I feel like a lazy bum some days, and I'd love to be more physically fit.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Good friends of ours adopted a little boy who was born in March.
4. Did anyone close to you die? Yes. Someone I used to work with and drove to work a few times passed away this fall. And one of my best friends lost her little baby when she was only 8 months pregnant.
5. What places did you visit? Nowhere fancy. We made it up to Wisconsin to visit my cousin, otherwise we kept to the state.
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010? Serenity. The ability to not think the worst in some situations. More patience. Being able to live in the moment.
7. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? June 9 is when the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup. November 4 is when my friend lost her baby.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? One car is entirely paid off with the other not far behind. We've really stuck to our budgeting, thanks in part to a 13-week financial class I took early last year.
9. What was your biggest failure? Amazingly, I’m grasping to try and pinpoint anything I’d really consider a failure.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Nope (knocking on wood).
11. What was the best thing you bought? Our front-loading washing machine. I love it, as much as someone can love an appliance.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Most people I came in contact with. The kids for showing me the fun in everyday activities. The husband for going above and beyond making my life easier. The parents for being my sounding board. My friends for being there for me.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Our one neighbor for her lack of parenting abilities. And anything involving Sarah Palin.
14. Where did most of your money go? The mortgage. And hockey for Jeremy!
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Christmas this year, because we were finally able to provide for so many this year. That and how excited and proud the kids get when they talk about church. The Blackhawks playoff run this spring into summer. And getting Jeremy involved in hockey. He only started skating in June and has moved up to level 2 of hockey already!
16. What song will always remind you of 2010? Anything by Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. The kids love singing their songs.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Happier. It's been a relatively good year.
b) thinner or fatter? Probably a little fatter due to the overindulgence of Dairy Queen (not that I'm complaining...)
c) richer or poorer? Richer. We've done a great job at keeping track of finances and the second car will be paid off in just a few months!
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? I would have loved to have gone on vacation, but we didn't have the money for it last year. I also wish I would've spent more time enjoying the moment instead of freaking out about what might happen.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Overreacting.
20. How did you spend Christmas in 2010? We actually had four Christmas celebrations--the first was with Phil's brother and family, followed by Phil's parents, then my extended family's celebration at my grandpa's and then my parents came over to do Christmas with them combined with our little family's. It was extensive and a tad exhausting, but it fulfilled everyone's wishes to spend a part of Christmas together.
21. Did you fall in love in 2010? No, but I stayed in love.
22. What was your favorite TV programModern Family and Community. Most things on Bravo, especially Top Chef and all its spin-offs. And all Blackhawks games and hockey in general.
23. What did you do for your birthday in 2010? The only really big thing I remembered is that I got Chinese food and one of our cats escaped from the house and we couldn't find her for an hour. I remember that because I thought how crappy would it be to lose our cat on my b-day! I also received a Patrick Kane T-shirt and a hockey stick, so Jeremy and I could play hockey in the driveway together.
24. What was the best book you read? There were three that stood out One Day, Winter Garden and Every Last One. All were great in their own ways and two of the three made me cry.
25. What did you want and get? I really wanted the new Blackhawk's book for Christmas, and my husband got it for me. Yea!
26. What did you want and not get? An MP3 player. That's OK, though.
27. What was your favorite film of this year? Toy Story 3. We took J to see his first movie in the theater, and he did pretty well, but he did keep asking toward the end if it was almost over! It didn't hurt that the movie was so touching and made me cry.
28. Did you make some new friends this year? Yes, some parents of kids in J's preschool class and his hockey class.
29. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Having more time to spend with C+D.
30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010? Comfortable. Not caring. :)
31. What kept you sane? Get togethers with girlfriends. One of my best girlfriends from grade school and I try to get together once a month, and we've done a decent job at sticking with it. It's nice to get out and commiserate about husbands, kids, school, and life in general.
32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Patrick Sharp. And he's totally hotter in person!
33. What political issue stirred you the most? Most issues involving gay rights.
34. Who did you miss? C+D. I wish we all lived closer and could celebrate holidays and birthdays together.
35. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010. Sometimes it hurts to let go. But holding on even tighter isn't always the best solution.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jeremy's Christmas Program

I was lucky enough to be able to attend Jeremy's preschool Christmas program, but unfortunately I couldn't make it to Riley's since it was in the afternoon and siblings aren't invited. Jeremy's class put on a wonderful performance, and since Phil couldn't make it, I took plenty of pictures and video.
Smiling for Mom.

They were singing "This Little Light of Mine".
Showing off his reindeer antlers.
I personally couldn't wait to give Jeremy's preschool teacher her Christmas present. She was the same teacher that Riley had, and she shares a similar love for the Blackhawks. In fact, she called Riley and left a message on our machine right after Riley "graduated" her class and the "Yuckies" (Red Wings) had beaten the Blackhawks in the playoffs. And once I told her that Jeremy was named after one, she was thrilled.

As for her present, I started it over the summer after finding the pattern on eBay. I was really hoping that she'd still be his teacher and not decide to retire. Well, we lucked out and got her for another year. And we couldn't be happier. J and I stuck around after the concert and snacks, and we made her open the present before we left.

She almost started crying right then and there. I said that now she won't forget us when Jeremy is done, and I said not that she would, but now she can't. She was so touched. I know it will be something she'll treasure. She's a wonderful teacher, and I cannot say enough wonderful things about Miss Betty.

My pride and joy--it's counted cross-stitched.
I wish Jeremy wasn't looking away, but this is Miss Betty.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

From our family to yours: We wish you a very merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Tree and Church Program

Earlier this month, not only did we spend a Sunday picking out our Christmas tree, but we watched both kids perform in the church's Christmas program.

First we scoured for quite awhile to find a tree. A whole five minutes! I think this was a record. The kids enjoyed throwing snowballs at each other, and I enjoyed finding a tree that quickly so I could go inside and get warm. We brought it home and decorated it that afternoon.

Our festive tree.

Kids and the tree.

The kids were in their church attire.

Then we had the kids' Christmas program at the church. Riley was asked by the music director to play Mary in part of the play, and although you can't tell, Phil was able to get it on video. I had to take her back to get dressed, and I took the camera with me. But you can enjoy pictures of both kids and video of Riley singing. This was the first year the kids participated in the program, and they did such a great job. We're so very proud of them.

Jeremy was up first--he's in the middle in the back.

Riley with her class.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Riley's Birthday Festivities

This was Riley's first birthday where we opted to not do a family party. I knew the time was coming, as she was getting older and all. But it was still bittersweet.

We did have a kid party for her school friends, and we opted to have it at a make-your-own pottery place. The kids had a great time painting their own creations and laughing with each other. We also asked the kids and their parents to donate food to the local food pantry, just like we did last year. A week after the party, we took all the food to the food pantry, and we donated more than 120 pounds of food! There were high school kids there helping out, and several of them commented to Riley that it was such a wonderful thing she did by asking for food from her friends. I hope she realizes that what she's doing helps so many.

Baby Cam and his dad.

Beautiful Isabella and her mom.

Cheesing it up for the camera.

The kids painting away.

More painting.

And more painting.

Then there was cake. All over his face.

A few days later, Grandma headed out to celebrate Riley's big day. That was followed by Riley's actual birthday, where we had a meal of her choosing and headed out for ice cream. Then Papa and Nana came out a few days later to cap off the week-long celebration. It's crazy to think that tiny little girl is now a sassy 7 year old!

Opening gifts with Grandma.

Reading her cards.

Checking out her MP3 player from the family.

Opening her present from C+D.

Reading her cards.

Enjoying ice cream with the family.

Dad and his girl.

Happy birthday girl.

Opening her scooter from Papa and Nana.

Trying on her Blackhawks jacket.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thinking of C+D

The kids have had their moments of late. We've had a very busy few days, with festivals, church programs and Christmas decorating. But they both said some cute things this weekend that I thought were important enough to post.

Both kids were pretending to go on vacation yesterday. They had backpacks and stuffed animals ready for the trip. I asked Riley where they were going, to which Riley said they were going to a water park, Lebanon and Boston. I'm not sure there are too many kids (or adults) nowadays who would say they're going to Lebanon for vacation!

Today Jeremy and I were running some errands, and he was spelling signs of stores that we passed. Then I asked him to spell his name and Riley's. I asked if he knew what our last name started with, and he said a C. I said, here's a tough one, how do you spell Uncle D's name?

He had a puzzled look on his face and said he didn't know. I said "D. But do you know what his real name is?

Jeremy's response? "Uncle."

So C+D, we're thinking about you two and how warm you must be as we braved the negative wind chills this morning at the bus stop. :)

Friday, December 3, 2010


A mere five days after turning seven, Riley lost tooth number four. It was on the bottom, and she lost it at school. Seeing as this is a pretty popular occurrence at an elementary school, the school nurse had a typed-up letter stating that Riley lost a tooth at school today, and she placed the tooth in a sealed envelope so she wouldn't lose it. We had a feeling it wouldn't be long for that tooth to come out, seeing as it had been holding on for dear life for a few days.

But we were shocked when, just two days later, she lost another! This time it was one of the top ones. And I have to admit, this lost tooth makes me a little sad because she lost her first of the baby teeth up top. The tooth came out during dinner, and let's just say that after it came out in her food, she had no interest in eating any more food! Not that I blame her. And, no, she didn't swallow it either.

Later that night, the tooth fairy left Riley a note under her pillow along with the money. The note read:

Stop losing teeth. The tooth fairy

Riley thought it was hilarious. I was just grateful the tooth fairy had money left!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Feeling Thankful

Last week at school, J's teacher's asked him what he's thankful for. Now, most kids replied that they were thankful for their houses, their moms or even their toys, my little guy replied: carrots from the garden. And then tonight at dinner he expanded and included all vegetables. Riley replied that she's thankful for health and food. Guess next time we should ask the kids after dinner!

And now what am I thankful for? Glad you asked.

*My family. Hands down, my family is the most important thing to me. Whether they're living in my house or halfway around the world, every one of them means something important to me. Although sometimes family drives me crazy, at the end of the day, I thank God for each one. My parents have taught me so much during my 30+ years, and keeping family as the most important thing in your life is something I hope to pass on to my kids.

*My friends. At times, I'm not a very good friend. I let days pass without returning phone calls. I sometimes take them for granted. But those few who I've kept close enough to communicate with on a constant basis are my lifeline. They're the ones who get me through the difficult days I sometimes have. They're the ones I boast to about the kids' accomplishments. They're the ones I can vent to. I love them all.

*My house/neighborhood. When we moved to our neighborhood 5 years ago, I had no idea the lasting friendships that would form and the friends that my kids would make. My parents still live in my childhood home, and I envied the neighbors that they have. The people that would wave whenever you made eye contact outside. But now, we have that in our neighborhood, and I couldn't be happier. The only downside is not seeing everyone as often as we did when the weather was nicer and the sunlight made the days longer. Thankfully we get together every so often for neighbor night, where the adults get to mingle and the kids get to play.

*My job. I love the freedom I have with my job. I'm blessed to have two lucrative freelancing gigs right now that give me the flexibility to work from home yet not stress myself out too much by putting in too many hours. I love that we're able to afford me staying at home and not having to send the kids to daycare/after school care. I love that I can get Riley off the bus every day. I love that I can help out at her school.

Other random things that I'm thankful for:

*Apple cider donuts
*Electric blankets
*Being the first patron to read a newly released library book
*Eating dessert after the kids are in bed
*Reading the newspaper in the morning
*Playing Uno with Jeremy while watching hockey highlights
*Listening to Riley read
*Watching Riley curl her tongue when she's concentrating on homework
*Seeing Jeremy twirl his hair when he's tired
*The husband making me popcorn
*Said husband allowing me to put my constantly cold hands on his arm/back/stomach/face
*Walking outside in the summer without socks or shoes on
*Harvesting food from our garden and eating it fresh
*Hockey. Plain and simple
*Instant messaging with family members
*My cat who constantly curls up with me while I work
*Hackney's onion rings, Luke's french fries and DQ Blizzards

What are you thankful for?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fall Festival

We did take the kids to a fall festival this year at the local market. I love that it's so close to our house. We went during the week when it was so empty, it was cheaper and the weather was beautiful! The kids had so much fun playing and running around, and Phil and I had a great time watching them. All of us even participated in the corn maze, which we completed successfully. And this was the first year that some little boy didn't insist on being carried!

The kids.

The kids and Mom.

J and Bob the Builder.

J driving Dad.

I'm thinking of making this the Christmas card. :)

J riding the tractor. He loved this part.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Soccer Star

While searching for photos of Riley, I forgot to mention that she played soccer this fall. She really enjoyed playing in the spring, and we desperately hoped that she would have the same coach in the fall. Boy, we were sadly mistaken!

Riley is in the middle.

The after-game handshake.

Her team this year was not that good. And as a former athlete, it sometimes pained me to see how poor the team played. What was worse was that the coach did not want any help. Nothing. I certainly didn't want to run the practice, but when you have 10+ 6-7 year olds, sometimes you might need help keeping them involved and focused. One practice the coach was running late, so I thought I would help out and start practice with some stretches. He arrived and didn't even thank me.

It was definitely trying for Riley, too. The team, like I said, was not good. She's still playing co-ed, and it's for first and second graders. Some of the boys can be a little rough, which is hard for Riley, but she held her own. I'd say she was one of the better kids on the team, not shying away from the ball. There was one kid on the team who was hands-down the best. He scored all the goals for the team this year. Every one. And it got to Riley a few times, as she'd come off the field crying when they lost. Competitive much?! And nevermind the one game where she thought she heard thunder and wouldn't calm down. I was embarrassed, but what can you do? I think there's a reason why I don't have many pictures of Riley playing soccer, as I was embarrassed for her team!

At least J had fun at most games, playing with other kids.

I hope this year hasn't deterred her from playing in the spring. I don't want to push her to play, but I don't want this one bad season to prevent her from playing again if she really likes it. The coach mentioned that we can request to have him for a coach in the spring as well. Um, I think we'll pass!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Number 7

My little girl turned 7 today. I know I say this ever year, but where did the time go? Where is my little child who had such a hard time nursing that her dad had to feed her with a syringe? Where is the little child who carefully walked while holding my hand? Where is my little girl who was wide-eyed when her brother entered the world and insisted on holding him every chance she got?

She's still here, but now she's reassuring us that she can do things herself. She tells us -- sometimes while rolling her eyes -- that she can take care of herself and doesn't need our help. And as much as it pains us as her parents sometimes, it's true. Our little girl has become an independent child. And now she's 7.

We spent dinnertime yesterday reminiscing about what we were doing 7 years ago. We were at the hospital, and, depending upon the time, Phil was either watching the Packers/Bucs game or The Wizard of Oz. I said that Uncle Kevin and Aunt Mandy were there, as were Papa and Nana. They all left about 9 that night, since it looked like our little child would wait until the next day to make an entrance.

And she did, which surprised the heck out of me that the child I had was a girl. And of course Phil was over the moon because he knew that I was having a girl. We told Riley this, and then we asked her who was the first family member other than Mom or Dad to hold her. She gave the right answer: Uncle D. He was working at the hospital at the time and came to give me my meds (he was a pharmacy tech).

Our little girl is 7. We celebrated over the weekend with a little party for her friends, and then today Phil took 1/2 day so we could celebrate as a family. Both sets of grandparents called as did Uncle Kevin and family. She even received a package from Uncle D and Casey. We went out for ice cream to celebrate the special day, and capped it off with both Mom and Dad tucking her into bed.

Seven years old seems like a lot. I cannot wait to see what changes will happen to her this year. As hard as it is sometimes to see her grow up and miss what she used to be, it's just as exciting to see what she will become. We love you, Riley. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

7 years ago yesterday:

7 years ago today:

6 years ago today:

5 years ago:

4 years ago:

3 years ago:

2 years ago:

Last year:

This year:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Meeting a Blackhawk

I wish his eyes were open, but what can you do!

Last Thursday Jeremy met his first-ever Blackhawk. And honestly, I don't know who was more excited: him or me!

Phil actually heard on the radio that Patrick Sharp was going to be in my hometown on Thursday, and he thought I might want to take Jeremy and meet Sharpie. Heck yeah! So I gave my dad a call to see if we could stop by on Thursday since we'd be in town. To make a long story short, Dad said he'd go to the Wallgreens (where Sharpie was signing) and wait in line for us. Well, when J and I got there, I couldn't find Dad. And of course Dad "forgot" his cell phone. J and I walked up and down the line, which was a few hundred people thick. I even put J on my shoulders in hopes of finding my dad. Nope.

I ended up calling the house and getting ahold of my mom, who just returned from work. She walked (yes, walked) over to the Walgreens and held my place in line so I could find my Dad. Turns out he was actually inside the store--I didn't know the line began inside! So crisis averted. Mom walked back home, and Dad really wanted to leave, but he had the wristband, which we were not able to remove without cutting it off. Dad was stuck. But he brought a folding chair...since he was there at 3 for a 6 pm signing! Special thanks to Dad!

We were about 60 people from the front of the line--the first person was there at noon! It was Veterans' Day, so some kids didn't have school. Plus, come on, it's Sharpie! He actually came in to the store right by where we were standing, which was pretty exciting. And despite Dad having a wristband and J and I not having one, we were able to get two items signed by the time we got up to the front (only about 40 minutes once Sharp began signing).

Jeremy got to Sharp, and I walked up there with him. He put the plastic stick down in front of Sharp, who told J, "Nice stick!."

I said, "Tell Sharp that you were named after a Blackhawk. What's your name?"

J said, "Jeremy."

Me: "Tell him who you were named after."

J: "Jeremy Roenick"

Sharp: "That's cool."

Me: "Tell him who your favorite Blackhawk is."

J turns to look at Sharp and says, "You."

Good answer, boy. Then we got a picture of J and Sharpie, which I'll have to upload. We walked back to Papa's car, who drove us to our car, since we had to park rather far away. We went back to Mom and Dad's for a quick dinner and then headed home. Riley was a tad jealous that she didn't get to go, and I did feel bad, but she got to spend plenty of time with Dad. Who knows, maybe she'll get to join us the next time we meet a Blackhawk!

The signed stick and puck.