Saturday, November 20, 2010

Soccer Star

While searching for photos of Riley, I forgot to mention that she played soccer this fall. She really enjoyed playing in the spring, and we desperately hoped that she would have the same coach in the fall. Boy, we were sadly mistaken!

Riley is in the middle.

The after-game handshake.

Her team this year was not that good. And as a former athlete, it sometimes pained me to see how poor the team played. What was worse was that the coach did not want any help. Nothing. I certainly didn't want to run the practice, but when you have 10+ 6-7 year olds, sometimes you might need help keeping them involved and focused. One practice the coach was running late, so I thought I would help out and start practice with some stretches. He arrived and didn't even thank me.

It was definitely trying for Riley, too. The team, like I said, was not good. She's still playing co-ed, and it's for first and second graders. Some of the boys can be a little rough, which is hard for Riley, but she held her own. I'd say she was one of the better kids on the team, not shying away from the ball. There was one kid on the team who was hands-down the best. He scored all the goals for the team this year. Every one. And it got to Riley a few times, as she'd come off the field crying when they lost. Competitive much?! And nevermind the one game where she thought she heard thunder and wouldn't calm down. I was embarrassed, but what can you do? I think there's a reason why I don't have many pictures of Riley playing soccer, as I was embarrassed for her team!

At least J had fun at most games, playing with other kids.

I hope this year hasn't deterred her from playing in the spring. I don't want to push her to play, but I don't want this one bad season to prevent her from playing again if she really likes it. The coach mentioned that we can request to have him for a coach in the spring as well. Um, I think we'll pass!

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