Monday, January 11, 2010

Jeremy's Christmas Program

Jeremy's ready to sing.

Phil was never able to attend any of Riley's preschool parties, so it was a real treat that Phil was able to make it to Jeremy's. For those of you who've talked to me recently, you know that we're rather unhappy with Jeremy's teachers this year. In the three years that we've been going to the preschool, they've had three separate groups of teachers for the 3s classroom.

I got a nice front-row seat.

Jeremy was more concerned about me than singing.

Cheesing it up for the camera.

The teachers helped the kids make presents for the parents, which was a nice surprise. Jeremy was so proud. The kids even stamped the wrapping paper. The teachers even gave the children gifts--Jeremy received some coloring stuff and a paperweight with his picture inside.

Handing mom his present.

Showing off his paperweight.

The kids made ornaments covered in glitter.

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