From our blog to your eyes, we wish you all a very Happy Valentine's Day.
Riley was so sweet. Last night she made handmade Valentine's for myself, Phil and Jeremy. She was so proud, and first thing she did this morning was set them out. She even made cards to send to all the grandparents wishing them a happy Valentine's Day and how much she loves them. I sometimes feel like I don't give her enough credit for all that she does.
On Friday, neither child had school thanks in part to one of the lovely teacher institute days. The kids and I ran a bunch of errands (I think we ended up going to five different places before lunch), and they were troopers for the most part. When we arrived at home, Riley went to help me take some of the cat food out of the trunk. The next thing I know is that I hear Jeremy screaming. The poor kid got his thumb caught in the door! Luckily he had his mitten on, but it still hurt.
Riley ran inside, got him some ice, wrapped it in a towel, and then went upstairs to get his stuffed moose. She was so loving and wonderful during this traumatic time. She's so loving and thoughtful sometimes that I feel like I don't acknowledge it enough. She's my girl.
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