Saturday, June 5, 2010


This afternoon, while Phil was out running errands, I was playing hockey with the kids. (Surprise, surprise. Oh, and on a side note, we signed Jeremy up for skating lessons that begin in July. I'm so excited for him to learn how to skate. And he's all ready for Uncle D's return in August.)

Riley didn't originally want to play, but when she saw us playing for a bit, she wanted to join in. Of course after she started playing, all she did was complain that Jeremy was shooting it too close or that she wasn't ready.

So Jeremy turns to her and says: "Sounds like you don't want to play with me anymore."

I couldn't stop laughing. Words that I've said far too often that are now coming out of his mouth.

And another side note: Jeremy has no taken to sticking his tongue out and lifting his stick after he scores, a la Big Buff during the last round of the playoffs. Hilarious, kid.

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