"Play outside!!!"
To which grandma replied, "How about we go to the zoo?"
Both kids took one look at each other, and said, "Nah."
So after some convincing, we loaded up the car and our lunch and headed off for a fun day at the zoo. And it was, despite the fact that it was 93 degrees out! Needless to say the zoo was the emptiest I've ever seen it in the summer--people were smart and stayed home!
Grandma had never been to our zoo before, so it was a real treat for her. She had no idea the zoo was so large, but everyone trudged on despite the heat. We checked out the new bear exhibit and the polar bear was in the water this time, which in itself was very cool. We then made our way to the picnic tables and had some lunch.
Since the kids and I had already been to the zoo twice before, we opted to do something "new" this time and took the hour-long tram ride around the zoo. That way grandma could see the entire zoo and we could rest our feet. And you can tell how hot it was by the sweat on the kids' heads!
Before we left, we did the carousel, which is a tradition for the kids. It had been years since grandma had been on one, so we convinced her to sit on an animal and enjoy! I think she had a blast.
You'll notice in the previous shot that Jeremy is up front with grandma.
We also did the traditional picture on the lion before we leave. Unfortunately, the kids were on the verge of meltdown, so we didn't get the best shots of them. They did pass out in the car on the way home like they usually do, and were ready to spend more time with grandma once we got home. Thanks for coming with us, grandma!
You are putting me to shame!! Two miles from Brookfield, and I haven't taken the kids all summer.
Yes, but our kids haven't left the state yet this summer, so you have them beat there! :)
We have one more trip to the zoo planned, but without the kids this time! We're going to a wedding reception in October.
Even though it was so hot I had a good time with the kids
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