Saturday, September 18, 2010

Skater Boy!

J successfully completed his first session of intro to skating, and he had an absolute blast! He improved so much over the eight-week session--so much so that on his last day he was able to complete an obstacle course without falling down. And he completed it three times in a row! Not too shabby.

Watching the other kids skate.

Uncle D and Nana surprised J with a trip out to watch him skate on his last day. He was beyond excited, and it was great that Uncle D was able to see J skate before he left for Lebanon.

With Uncle D after skating.

We can't forget Riley.

A week prior, J asked if I could pay for him to do more skating because he loved it so. Needless to say, he started his second session two weeks ago and is loving it again. We had to change days to skate since Riley now has soccer on Saturday mornings. We may need to invest in some hockey gear for Christmas.

Smiling for mom.

Sorry the videos are sideways. I tried to fix it,
but alas, I'm not technologically savvy.

1 comment:

C and D said...

Hey Darce! I just had a chance to catch up with all your summer posts. You sure did a lot! Im so glad we got to be a part of it. Lots of love and Happy International Peace Day!