This school year is already keeping us busy. With Riley having homework every day, to numerous after-school activities, it's a wonder some days that we all remember to eat!
What have we been up to? Well, a lot. Here's a rundown:
*Riley had her first non-family sleepover. She was invited to a neighbor's birthday party earlier this month, and we decided to let her go. I think if it was anyone from school, we might have kept her home. But since she was just a few feet away and we know (and love) the neighbors, we let her go. In return, we kept the birthday girl's 4-year-old brother at our house. So it didn't feel completely empty without Riley. Jeremy had fun playing with a little buddy, and it all worked out fine. Except for the fact that Riley didn't go to bed until 11:30 and we had another birthday party the next day. Yeah, she was a tad emotional/tired!
*Jeremy is really excelling in skating. His coach invited him to a free trial hockey lesson last week, and needless to say, J had a blast! He told everyone at school that he was going, and he couldn't wait to grab his stick and head to the rink. I took some video and pictures, so be ready to see those...sometime.
*Everyone is excited that the hockey season has begun. Well, some of us more than others! Riley has her own tally sheet that she happily adds marks to every morning. Jeremy has taken to memorizing the new guys' numbers (of course). And I'm just happy to hear Pat Foley's voice again.
*My parents came out a few weeks ago and helped us tremendously with some landscaping. They helped rip out three overgrown shrubs in front of the house, and it's like having a clean slate! I cannot wait to get new plants in there. That is, whenever we figure out what we want!
*Riley is doing SO well in first grade. I helped out with her class earlier this week, and I absolutely love her teacher. Despite the homework every night, she has learned how to count money and work on addition and subtraction. She also has to write what she did over the weekend each Monday, so that's been interesting to see. And Aunt Casey is trying to arrange a pen pal exchange with her first grade class in Beirut and Riley's class in Illinois!
*We're sending out Riley's birthday party invitations tomorrow. I cannot believe my little girl is almost 7. It's amazing to think how much she's changed. Why is it that parents always have a hard time admitting that their children aren't little anymore?
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