Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Preschool Mother's Day

This is very belated, but I finally uploaded some pictures off the camera. Jeremy's preschool put on a Mother's Day performance, which was simply touching. I joked with one of the fellow moms that I was going to cry, and sure enough, I did. I cried when they did sign language to one of the songs and when they sang "You Are My Sunshine." I used to sing that song to J when he was a baby to get him to sleep. Riley would lay on the floor while I would rock J, and she would sing that with me, along with "Baby Beluga" and "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles." Makes me teary just thinking about it.


Jeremy giving me my gift.

Giving my boy a kiss.

My guy.

Posing for a pic.
The kids also made wonderful Mother's Day presents, one of which I still had when Riley was in preschool. It's just an empty box, but it holds a hug in there. Phil was able to come and be the photographer/videographer, which worked out great since I was a blubbering mess. Jeremy also had asked me to wear a dress, and I obliged with a skirt. I figured that would've worked. It was a very special Mother's Day celebration. One I will never forget.

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