9. I can't believe she's 9. I think I'll be saying something along those lines for each child's birthday--just replace the year with that current year.
I look at Riley and cannot believe that it's been 9 years since she made me a mom. She is still such a loving child, always wanting to be around you, cuddle with you, and just enjoy your company. I know that won't last. I know there will come a time when she won't want me around. When she will spend her evenings holed up in her room. So for now I will enjoy it.
It doesn't mean, though, that it doesn't break my heart when earlier this week she cried and said I don't spend enough time with her and that I love Jeremy more than her.
This past year Riley has grown leaps and bounds. She started a new school, took on difficult curriculum since she's in the gifted and talented one, started playing soccer in an all-boys' league, and has matured in a way that I thought I had a few years to prepare for.
I see the struggles in her as Jeremy is no longer the little boy who wants to do whatever she says. I see her struggles when school doesn't come as easy as it once did. She's so much the perfectionist, and it makes me sad to think that she feels the need to be perfect at all times. I see her frustration when life isn't fair, and there are times I just want to wrap her in my arms and make everything better for her. As the older girl with a younger brother, I know that it can be a hard role to fill. And I try not to give her added pressure, but I'm sure I inadvertently do.
She is the light in my life, and I cannot imagine life without her. She's always been such a wonderful child--I don't know what we did to deserve such a blessing in our life. We had parent/teacher conferences last week, and her teacher couldn't say enough nice things about her. She's a model student, and for that we couldn't be prouder.
She's a very creative child, and she still loves to do crafts. She's not so much into games or puzzles anymore--the games I believe is due to her competitive nature in that she doesn't like to lose. The puzzles, I'm not so sure of. She still enjoys coloring and creating, and last month she sat on the couch with me and we both sewed. That made me smile. She still loves to help in whatever capacity you let her, and for her birthday her Uncle D and Aunt Casey took her overnight. I know she was over the moon to not only spend time with them but to have extra time with Jack. He is the highlight in our house, and the kids and I are constantly "fighting" over who gets to hold him next. It's times like that I know she misses having a little one around. She's going to be a great baby sitter someday.
So happy birthday to my beautiful daughter. There is so much in store for you, and I cannot wait to see what paths you take. Just do me a favor and enjoy it and try not to be in too much of a hurry to grow up. We love you.
9 years ago yesterday. I had no idea my water
would break just a few hours after this was taken. |
9 years ago today. Poor girl had to get an IV after she was born, so she
had a splint on her left arm. Look at all that hair! |
8 years ago at daycare. |
7 years ago today. |
6 years ago today. |
5 years ago today. |
4 years ago today. |
3 years ago today. |
2 years ago.
Last year. | | | | | |
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This year.
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