Thursday, August 11, 2011

10 Years of Marriage

Today Phil and I celebrate 10 years of wedding bliss. It's simply amazing to me that it's been that long. Some days it feels longer while others make it feel like we're the carefree kids who just met. And I know people have a tendency to say that they love their spouse more now than they did back then, but it's true. Back then I had no idea how chaotic days can be with kids. Back then I had no clue that our relationship sometimes had to take a back seat to life and kids. Back then I had no idea that once the kids went to bed, I would have to work and wouldn't get to spend time with my husband. But somehow we always found our way back to each other.

Ten years ago today we showed our friends and family how much we wanted our relationship to work. That we're committed to each other. That we're in this for life. And there have been times when our relationship has been rocky. I teased Phil that we're busy making plans for our 10-year anniversary trip (to St. Maarten in November!), that we're not there yet. So this morning, he told me, "We made it! Let's go on vacation!"

Without getting overly emotional because I did that plenty in his card, he is my rock, my strength, my best friend. I cannot imagine life without him, and I'm so glad we're in this together. He has helped me raise our two beautiful children, and together, we can get through anything.

Happy anniversary to my husband. I love you so very much!

Us. 10 years ago.

Us. As a family. Today.

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