I received a call from the ped's office today with Jeremy's test results: he's allergic to ragweed. It could be worse: he could be allergic to a lot of other aspects that we'd have to adjust to, but luckily that isn't the case. I had thought of a multitude of items he could be allergic to, and even the doctor put in my head that he might be allergic to our cats. And what would we do in that circumstance? Luckily we don't need to worry about that.
Where do we go from here? The nurse recommended Zyrtec if his eyes get really itchy or bloodshot, which I haven't noticed. The nurse also said that he will feel better once we receive a few hard frosts, which at this rate, will happen any day now. Does anyone know what happened to summer, because I think I blinked and missed the warm temperatures!
We're scheduled to speak on Thursday with the actual doctor who administered the blood test. She isn't in the office until then, so I guess we can gather up some questions to ask her. I didn't know what type of questions to originally ask since I had no idea what we're dealing with.
So that's the news from this end regarding Jeremy. Now to get back to some belated entries.
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