I think the last straw was when Jeremy woke up looking like this about two weeks ago:
So I called the doctor's office to see what they offered, and I was told that they do an initial consultation and then determine if they should draw blood in the office or send you and the child elsewhere.
We met with the doctor, only after getting J weighed, measured and his blood pressure taken! I spoke with the doctor and discussed my concerns. I also showed her the pictures of him that I posted above, and we decided to go through with the blood draw. I want to know for sure why he is scratching himself to the point where he bleeds. I want to know if it's a subconscious thing or if there's a reason behind it. The doctor asked if we had pets, and what we'd do if we found out he's allergic to the cats. I said we'd cross that bridge when we got there. I mean, there are so many factors to worry about--moms have enough on their plate than to constantly worry about the 'what ifs'.
Jeremy laid down on the table, and I held his free arm. I cradled his head so he couldn't see what was going on, and let me just say that I have the bravest child ever. He only shed one tear when they pulled the needle out. They took two vials of blood, and I got him to talk about suckers and how much he liked them. I think that was more for both of us as I didn't watch the procedure.
My brave boy did awesome. I treated him to some ice cream, and he picked out the flavor: Superman. I felt bad for having him endure that, but I hope the results are worth it. We should know something early next week as to if he's allergic to animals, food or pollen. Send good thoughts our way.

My brave boy.
1 comment:
Give him the Superman I colored that he always plays with in my room! What a trooper. Hang in there Jeremic!
Uncle D
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