Monday, July 30, 2012

Meet Jack Calvin

I know my newest nephew is about five weeks old, I want to show him off. C+D didn't know if they were having a boy or a girl, and I was waiting by the phone for the news. It came on June 18. First, I received an email from mom that morning saying that Casey was on her way to the hospital (the baby's due date was the 16th). I thought, OK, first baby, we have plenty of time to wait until the baby has arrived. Imagine my shock when we received the news about 9:30 that very morning! Casey had a labor to make any mom jealous--and she did it all natural! I give her all the credit in the world for doing that. Anyway, D called and said the baby has arrived! He asked me what I thought it was. I said I think it's a boy but I'm hoping it's a girl. And you can tell by the title of this post that the baby is a boy. His name was to be doled out in another day.

Luckily Phil's mom was visiting us, so I asked her if I could go meet my new nephew. She agreed to keep an eye on our kids (Phil was working), and off I went. I met up with my dad at his house, and we went together. By the time we got to the room, my mom was in there with Casey's mom, who had flown in for the birth. And that is where I got to meet my little nephew. Oh, I just melted! I didn't get any pictures of me with Jack because I was too busy holding him.

Newly minted Jack.

Sweet boy.

Happy family.

He did this on his own.
 Funny side note is that both kids wrote notes to C+D and the baby. Riley's said "Even though you had a boy, I still love you." Jeremy's said "Is your baby's name Doesn't Have a Name?" Hilarious.
Riley meeting Jack.

Wide-eyed Jack.

I think he loves his cousin.

Uncle D played some Trouble with Jeremy.

And Aunt Casey did her wonderful French braids.

Sleeping on his favorite aunt from Illinois.

Jeremy and Jack.

Cousins and Casey.

The cousins.

Riley was fighting me to hold him.

Sweet boy.
Since then, the kids and I went to visit him once and hung out with all three of them. I am over the moon that all three of them are in the city and we can go see them. Phil was able to meet Jack after the Sox game in July. And in just a few weeks, I'm co-hosting a meet-the-baby party at my parents' house. I cannot wait to watch this little guy grow up.

1 comment:

pve design said...

Thanks so much for your kind comment you left on my blog.
Lovely to meet Jack Calvin - how darling he is.
Our 19 year old twins are home from college this weekend and I remember the day they were born like it was yesterday.
Enjoy every minute with your children and all those near. They really are our future and it looks bright!