Sunday, January 9, 2011

All Hockey, All the Time

If you couldn't tell (and really, if you couldn't, shame on you), we're a hockey-loving family. I admit that it makes me proud to say that. I love that the entire family can bond over it and enjoy watching games. And yes, I LOVE that Jeremy plays and I hope he continues to enjoy it so.

Jeremy poses for the camera.
Jeremy is second from the right. The kids love this!

Jeremy practices shooting--he's in the gray shirt.
Jeremy was able to scrimmage with boys who were much better.
Cheesing it up.
Jeremy with his friend Kaiden.

This past week Jeremy began his first class of Level II hockey. He didn't have the best time, partly because he had new skates and I think they hurt his feet. This class is a lot harder, too, so that might be part of it. But he skates with one of his friends from preschool, so that helps some.

A few weeks ago, Jeremy and I headed to the local library to meet a Chicago Wolves hockey player. The library was beginning their Read to Succeed reading program, and the Wolves are helping out. Jeremy got to meet Jamie Hunt and told him that he was named after a Blackhawk. Jamie thought that was pretty cool.

Jeremy and Jamie.

Jeremy and I won tickets to a game, and Riley went with the rest of us during Christmas break. It was the kids' first experience seeing a live hockey game, and it was...interesting. The kids were terrified of the pre-game fireworks, and Jeremy kept flinching when the Wolves would shoot. That's because the fireworks would go off again when the Wolves scored.

Riley posing for the camera.
Jeremy's turn.

The view from our seats. We were in the balcony.

Jeremy enjoying the game.

We ended up staying until the end of the second period, since it was late and the roads were icy. The Wolves ended up losing in a shootout, but I think the kids had a nice time. I actually won two other tickets for a game of our choosing, so we might go out there on a weekend when the game times are a bit more kid-friendly.

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