Saturday, October 4, 2008

Visit from Grandma

I'm horrible at uploading pictures off my camera. I've been known to take weeks to remove them from the camera, only to then remember that these pictures were taken quite a while ago. It's almost like Christmas, when in amazement at what the kids did or where we were on certain days.

Since I had a bunch of free prints to redeem at Shutterfly, I finally removed a bunch of pictures from the camera. That's when I realized that I hadn't posted about Grandma coming to watch Riley play soccer.

Early last week Grandma headed out here to see Riley in action for soccer. It was a wonderful visit, and I know Riley enjoyed having an extra fan in the stands.

Riley leading stretches.

Riley as goalie. On a side note, I hate how dark
it's getting early in the evening. This was at 6:15!

Jeremy was just starting to feel better, so he wasn't his fully active self. I relished the chance to have him sit on my lap, snuggling a little tighter. He's such an easy person to photograph; I'm finding that many of my favorite pictures lately are of him. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that he's a complete mama's boy....

My poor little guy.

So a very belated thank you to Grandma for coming out to visit. I'm hoping that she can come out again soon to help me corral the kids onto the train and finally visit Phil at work. He's only been at his job for 1.5 years, and we've yet to see where it he spends his work days.

The kids and Grandma. Thanks again.

1 comment:

mikedawnsnelgrove said...

How fun to have a visit from Grandma - and how nice to have gp's that live near enough to visit for a day!