Saturday, July 11, 2009

Swimming and Digging

Last year we signed Riley up for swimming lessons through the park district. Unlike other park districts, ours has one pool, which is found at a water park! We don't have community pools like the towns where Phil and I grew up. So that was quite a shock to us. Regardless, we felt it was important for Riley to learn how to swim. Phil was a little reluctant to sign Riley up, especially since he spent so many years as a lifeguard and taught swimming lessons. But I convinced him that even if he took Riley to a pool every day, she would most likely learn more with a more structured environment.

As a result, Riley endured swimming lessons last year, and she LOVED it! She couldn't wait for this year. I spoke with several friends and convinced them that the lessons were very much worth it. They signed their kids up this year as well. So Riley entered this year at Level 2.

On the last day, the kids were allowed
to go down the water slide.

Riley needed some assistance to get to the side.

She did very well, as evident by the video of her jumping off the diving board without a life jacket! And Jeremy enjoyed his daily digging in the huge sand box. He couldn't wait to go to lessons just so he could dig. One of our neighbors had lessons at the same time, so occasionally Jeremy would be digging with his friend Hayden.

The sandbox had running water, which was great for moats.

He was being camera shy!

Digging away.

We've already told Jeremy that next year he'll be enjoying his first round of lessons while Riley is onto level 3. Who knows, she may turn into a lifeguard just like her daddy!

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