Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas Cookies

The kids helped tremendously with this year's cookie making. I tried to make 1-2 batches per night, and we worked on them for a week straight. That's a lot of cookie dough! I tried out some new recipes and some old standbys, and I think (*hope*) that everyone enjoyed theirs. And don't worry, D, Casey and Dawn, your batches are keeping cold. I hope to have them either en route or in your hands by the end of the week.

And here are some pictures of the day when we made sugar cookies. Again, ignore the fact that I'm looking less than perfect. I tend to wear more comfortable than fashionable clothing, especially in winter when I don't venture out of the house!

Jeremy helping with the cookie cutters.

At least they're taking turns.

Hamming it up for the camera.

Riley getting in on the act.

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