Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Heads Up

Believe it or not, there are some days when we play games other than hockey. For instance, Jeremy might get hockey taken away from him due to bad behavior. I know that's hard to believe (ha!). So then we either play bat and ball (which, apparently is a term that my family invented. I guess most people would call it baseball, but when Riley was little, we called it bat and ball and it just stuck.) or catch. The other day Jeremy and I were playing some bat and ball, and he hit one pretty high. He turns to me and says:

"Heads up, Darce!"

I looked at him in amazement. I asked him to repeat what he said, and he got all embarrassed and told me he forgot what he said. Then I told him that I heard what he said but wanted to know where he learned that. Apparently he overheard our next-door neighbor, who is 9, call me Darce, and Jeremy thought it would be smart to call me that. Funny stuff.

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