Friday, January 29, 2010

Testing, one, two three...


Is this thing on?

Yeah, sorry for the delay. I have so much to say and post, but the time seems to go by too fast. Or then in a day like today when Jeremy is at school most of the morning, all I did was catch up on the DVR and work on cross-stitching Riley's Christmas stocking. (It's all part of my goal to take time for myself.) I've been enjoying the down time, and I've made a vow to not turn on my computer until around 3 each day. It's helped me spend more time with Jeremy especially (that kid is a serious pro at Uno), and not make me so stressed. I still feel that I'm on it too much in the evening, but I need to fulfill my 15-hour per-week work requirement. But I have been making time for my husband as well--we actually had date night last weekend! The sad news is that by 9 pm, we were both ready to go home. My, how times have changed!

I want to update here more often, especially since I've somewhat dropped the ball on updating the kids' baby books. But for now, this little "tease" post will have to do. I'm off to the parents' house tomorrow for a little R&R. I'm not bringing my laptop, which means that Phil could get started on the taxes, if he so desires. We're still awaiting two pieces of documentation, and knowing our luck, they'll arrive after this weekend.

I always try to leave a little something funny in my posts, so I'll include this: I told the kids that I'm spending tomorrow night over at Papa and Nana's, to which Riley asked:

"When can I go to Papa and Nana's to get away from the kids?"

Kids. They keep you laughing, that's for sure.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Embarrassing Mom

I usually make fun of the rest of the family, but I will prove that I am not immune to a little fun at my expense.

We recently bought new bookshelves for the family room, and since Phil worked from home today, he helped to put them together and decorate them. He found a picture of my dad and I that was taken on my first day of college, right before I headed off. Riley asked me how old I was in the picture. I said 18. She took one look at the picture and one look at me.

Then she noticed that I am wearing the exact same sweatshirt as I was in the picture. I've been outed. Nothing like wearing a 15+ year old shirt. I guess it could be worse--she could've made some comment about my age! I think I'll save that for when she makes fun of Phil.

Funny Guy

While playing our 300th game of Cars Uno today, Jeremy asked me if I knew what his favorite vegetable was. I said I didn't know. So he said:

"All of them."

And the truth of that answer is that he's pretty much spot-on. The other day he asked for vegetable soup for lunch. The boy is an awesome eater. For lunch today, he requested and ate chili, peaches, pickles, strawberries and pineapple. He is so going to be bigger than his sister in less than two years.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jeremy's Christmas Program

Jeremy's ready to sing.

Phil was never able to attend any of Riley's preschool parties, so it was a real treat that Phil was able to make it to Jeremy's. For those of you who've talked to me recently, you know that we're rather unhappy with Jeremy's teachers this year. In the three years that we've been going to the preschool, they've had three separate groups of teachers for the 3s classroom.

I got a nice front-row seat.

Jeremy was more concerned about me than singing.

Cheesing it up for the camera.

The teachers helped the kids make presents for the parents, which was a nice surprise. Jeremy was so proud. The kids even stamped the wrapping paper. The teachers even gave the children gifts--Jeremy received some coloring stuff and a paperweight with his picture inside.

Handing mom his present.

Showing off his paperweight.

The kids made ornaments covered in glitter.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas Cookies

The kids helped tremendously with this year's cookie making. I tried to make 1-2 batches per night, and we worked on them for a week straight. That's a lot of cookie dough! I tried out some new recipes and some old standbys, and I think (*hope*) that everyone enjoyed theirs. And don't worry, D, Casey and Dawn, your batches are keeping cold. I hope to have them either en route or in your hands by the end of the week.

And here are some pictures of the day when we made sugar cookies. Again, ignore the fact that I'm looking less than perfect. I tend to wear more comfortable than fashionable clothing, especially in winter when I don't venture out of the house!

Jeremy helping with the cookie cutters.

At least they're taking turns.

Hamming it up for the camera.

Riley getting in on the act.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nana's Birthday

I finally took pictures off the camera the other day, so be prepared for an bunch of outdated pictures. You know, whenever I get around to posting them!

For Nana's birthday (back in the beginning of December), she takes the entire birthday week off. She spent a few days down visiting her dad (who turns 93 next week), and then she wanted to come out and teach me how to make jelly. We spent Jeremy's quiet time making raspberry jelly, which I gave out to a few people for Christmas. She decided to stay for dinner, which was a really nice surprise. And we even gave Nana her own birthday cupcake, which Riley proclaimed that we actually received from a neighbor!

But perhaps the funniest sight, which I wish I had pictures of, was when she played with the kids and our neighbor, out in the snow, making a snow fort. It was snowing, and here she is, lugging large pieces of snow/ice to build the fort. I practically had to drag everyone inside, but they had a blast.

Ignore the fact I'm wearing my lounging around clothes!