Since I'm new to this whole Santa thing (my parents never really "made" me believe in Santa, and I don't even really remember him being present in the house. So Phil helped me figure it out with the cookies/milk and then we had reindeer food given to us by the Parent/Tot center. Jeremy was so excited. We tucked the kids into bed, and Phil, er, Santa wrote the kids a note and left them presents under the tree.

*OK, so like I said, I'm new to this whole Santa thing. Riley saw the same coloring books "Santa" got them while we were at Meijer and she pointed them out. I said, yeah, that's where we bought them for you. She told me Santa got them for her. I quickly amended my story and said I told Santa that we saw the coloring books at Meijer and he should see if he has some like those for our kids. Nice, Darce.
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