I've always joked that the kids are complete opposites of each other, the most obvious of which is that they're a boy and a girl. But when I was pregnant with Jeremy, I figured he was a boy. Why? Because it was a much different pregnancy with some minor complications. I joked that only boys would give their moms a hard time (we didn't know the gender of either kid before they were born).
After Jeremy was born, he had colic for three months. Part of me wonders if I wasn't induced if he would've been a different child. Regardless, the first few months were rough.
When Riley was an infant, she slept wonderfully. She slept through the night before I went back to work when she was three months old. Jeremy? He took 11 months.
Riley has always been a picky eater. Part of that, I'm sure, is her parents' fault for not making her eat specific foods. When Jeremy came along, we decided that he's eating whatever we're having. And to this day, he's an awesome eater (Case in point, his favorite food on a pizza? Mushrooms like his mama!).
So when it came time to deal with potty training, like any parent I was not looking forward to it. I should have remembered my opposite theory, though, because it was rough going with Riley. Not only did it take a few persistent months, but I also was caring for a newborn.
And just this week, Jeremy has pretty much potty trained himself! He doesn't want to wear a diaper. He wakes up from a 3+ hour nap dry. He's still wet after bed, though, but with Riley it took a few months to get this far. Additionally, he's pooping on the potty, something that his sister refused to do.
I really hope I'm not jinxing anything, but yet again he's proven to me that he and his sister are complete opposites about certain things. And yes, it makes me sad to realize there's yet another part of him that's growing up and being less "babyish". I wonder if that feeling will ever pass. And only someone like me can lament the fact a child might be out of diapers!
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