Monday, January 5, 2009

Snowy December

Before we attended Christmas Part 2, we had to deal with some nasty snow. The kids enjoyed it, though, so I guess that counts for something! And I actually got out to experience some first-hand snowball throwing. The weather wasn't too shabby, there was no wind, and with two kids and a husband outside, I had plenty of targets. And Phil was happy because he was at home when the snow fell and he was able to get the snow blower to work. Hurray!

Riley pulling J on the sled. You can barely see him!
The snow is as high as our neighbor's mailbox, thanks to the snowplow.

Riley helping shovel.

J all bundled up.

Riley pulling the sled.

Looking for my next victim.

Funny enough is that practically all the snow has since melted. But being the "wonderful" Midwest, I'm sure we'll have more. Let's just hope Phil is home when it falls again!

The three muskateers making snowballs to
throw at the photographer: Dad.

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