I still need to upload the Christmas pictures off the camera, hence the lack of Christmas updates. We celebrated five Christmases this year, which was a bit much, but the kids had fun. And isn't that all that really matters?
Anyways, we had a very low-key NYE. There were rumblings of a neighborhood poker game that might be happening, but those plans fell apart. Phil didn't sleep well the night before, so he said he was going to call it a night probably before 11. And me? I was working most of the night. Yeah, are we party animals, or what?
I finished up my work early and asked if we could catch up on some DVR'd shows, since we have quite a few. Phil agreed, and we watched an episode of Pushing Daisies. Just as the show finished, we heard Riley call for one of us. Phil went up there, thinking a cat had found its way into her room, which she cannot tolerate. But no. She was covered in blood!
Turns out she had given herself two bloody noses, probably from inadvertent picking. Regardless, it was all over her bed, jammies and stuffed animals. Phil got her cleaned up and I took care of the bloody clothing, sheets and animals. We got her tucked back in, only to have her sneeze, breaking the blood clot in her nose. Yup, blood again everywhere! Luckily we have plenty of sheets and blankets in this house. And luckily Phil was at home and not out playing poker.
So Phil ended up staying up to transfer the sheets and blankets to the dryer, while I headed upstairs to read. We both made it up until after midnight, and Riley fell asleep shortly before the clock struck midnight. What a way to usher in the new year!
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