Friday, March 27, 2009

The End of the Week

We've barely made it through spring break, not without some bumps and bruises along the way. We had three playdates on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, which went well overall. One was with my girlfriend of 25+ years and her brood--poor Jeremy was the only boy out of five kids! On Tuesday we met up with one of Riley's preschool friends who has a little boy Jeremy's age. Wednesday brought a playdate with Riley's boyfriend, his twin sister and a little boy Jeremy's age. We had a blast at all three, but then Wednesday night, Riley's boyfriend's mom called me.

"He took a nap this afternoon and woke up with a 103.5 fever," she said. "I just thought I'd let you know."

So guess what? Today, both kids are full of snot, sneezes and are going through boxes of Kleenex. Nevermind that I'm constantly wiping noses and tending to dangling snot (pretty picture, isn't it?). From speaking with a few other moms, it seems to be going around. At least it's Friday.


Sort of related is that it's been a full week since Jeremy has napped. *sigh* To say it's been rough would be an understatement. Two of the days I caught him completely naked. Today he took off his pants and underwear. He's learned how to get the gate down that I set up outside his door. He is constantly pulling up the shades.

Is this what it's like having a boy?

I'm not ready for him to be done napping. Riley *just* finished napping about two months ago. Why can't he? I complain to my mom and she says that my brother and I stopped napping when we were two. OK, but we're talking about ME here! (Kidding, Mom.)

I will say, though, that J is sleeping in later, waking up around 7:30 as opposed to the 6:45 before. And he falls right asleep when we put him down at 7:30 pm. But I still need that hour to recharge, so I've been trying to instill "quiet time" for him while Riley is up there. I just need to be more stern. It's just so hard to do sometimes. But Mom needs her sanity.


mikedawnsnelgrove said...

sorry to hear about the boogs yuk!

C and D said...

Just got all caught up. You sure have been busy lately. Hope the weather is warming up for you. Lots of love, c and D